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Safer With You Page 3
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“I do. Do you need help with anything else? The wedding planner guy seemed like he was ready to have a heart attack out there.” I gesture towards the main house.
She lets out a quiet giggle. So damn cute.
“Poor Gregory! He’s supposed to be the best, but Jenny is a little demanding, She went a little Bridezilla on us all. She’s usually pretty calm, but getting married is doing…”
“I heard that, bitch!” Jenny walks into the room wearing her wedding gown. “Bridezilla says to get your ass dressed. We only have about fifteen minutes till pictures.”
Jenny’s hands wrap around me before I can even react. “So glad to see you aren’t too busy to drag your ass here. I’m so sorry to hear about you and Samantha.” A devilish smirk graces her face. She looks anything but sincere.
“No, you’re not. She’s a bitch and you know it.”
“Okay, she’s a huge bitch. I’m not sure what you saw in her. Well, other than tits and ass,” Jenny says.
She’s even funnier than I remember. “She was just a filler. Someone to bide my time with until I meet someone special.” My eyes land on Nora, and she blushes.
I let go of Jenny and stand back. “You look beautiful, Jenny. Max is a lucky son of a bitch.”
“Don’t I know it!”
Nora interrupts, “Alright, stop all this flirting. Let go of Jase and go get married.”
Jenny turns away from me and says, aiming her comment at Nora, “You’re just jealous because I get to marry Max and cuddle with Jase all in one day.”
Nora turns red again. Damn, maybe I got to her. I hope so. She grabs Jenny by the elbow and ushers her into the bedroom. “Jase, you better get going. Your other job is to make sure the groom is ready and on time,” Nora says quickly.
“Nora,” I call after her, “Nice to finally meet you.” When she turns back around, I give her a smirk before walking out the door.
I head up toward the main house, still thinking of Nora. I enter the house and walk up the steps to the second floor. I can hear all the commotion coming from the first bedroom on the right. I enter, and Max stands there in his suit.
“Hey, man, can’t you handle being on time just this once?” He shakes his head, but exhales a sigh of relief.
Chapter Four
I have never acted so stupidly in my life. Could I not carry on a decent conversation with this gorgeous man? Thank God, I had a few minutes to compose myself while Jenny was bitching at Gregory. Jenny said Jase was hot, but he’s ridiculous. On a scale of one to ten, he’s a twenty.
He has dark brown hair, thick hair that I kept imagining playing with…longer than I usually like, curled around his ears and collar. The color of his eyes reminds me of the ocean. When his eyes met mine, I felt a wave of crystal clear blue water crash on me.
Jase has a long, chiseled jaw with some stubble smearing his tan face. Basically, from what I could tell, he is sexy as hell…which probably means TROUBLE.
Removing myself from the drama, I get dressed in my beautiful pink gown. I have just finished zipping up when my phone rings. Of course, Luke’s name appears.
“Luke, I can’t talk right now. In case you forgot, I’m in a wedding today.” I can’t deal with his crap right now. For someone who wanted me gone a few weeks ago, he sure wasn’t letting me go easily.
“I didn’t forget; I’m at Crescent Valley Hotel. I can be there in about twenty minutes. I really need to see you.” I can hear the hope in his voice.
“No, Luke, we keep going over the same thing. I am busy; don’t come here. I’ve got too much to deal with. I would like to enjoy my family without worrying about what my parents will do or say when they see you.”
He sighs in frustration. “Nora, I wish you hadn’t told them what happened. I lost my mind for a little bit, but now you’ve gone and made a big deal over it, complicating the situation.”
That’s the response I had been expecting. He made it all my fault instead of his. I decide I’m not going there today.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Please, don’t come here. There is a ton of security because of Max’s family, and my dad made sure your name is not on the list.” It felt good to be a bitch and stand up to him. Usually, I avoid arguments.
His tone serious, “Fine, Nora. Tomorrow. Promise me you’ll see me tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow,” I state and hang up. I probably shouldn’t have promised him a thing, but maybe seeing him will give me the push I need to let him go.
After the photographer has finished taking pictures of Jenny and the bridal party, we wait for the ceremony to begin. We stand in a large white outdoor tent furnished with several tables, chairs, mirrors, and of course, lots of wine. Very luxurious for a tent.
I manage to stay calm. I hate being the center of attention. Even though it’s Jenny’s wedding day, I will still be on display for a few seconds before she makes her grand entrance.
I talk with the bridal party and family members who stop by to wish Jenny luck and happiness. I can hear the piano playing “Somewhere over the Rainbow” and start getting nervous.
My eyes wander over to Jenny and my father. Jenny’s bright smile and unshed tears bring a lump to my throat. Her white gown with a beaded bodice pools out into ruffles down to the ground around her. It couldn’t have been more beautiful or more Jenny.
My father cradles Jenny’s arm in his and whispers something in her ear. I’m sure they are words of encouragement. We had a great childhood, and our parents were supportive of everything we did, even though they had their own opinions. We didn’t lack family drama, but we knew our parents loved us, unconditionally.
My turn to walk down the aisle comes quicker than I expect. The music changes to “A Thousand Years” and the processional begins. I start my journey, hoping not to trip. I’m not known for my gracefulness. I can’t believe my sister chose an outdoor wedding. The aisle made from heart-shaped stepping stones has me shaking my head.
Thank God the weather turned out to be gorgeous or Bridezilla would have made everyone pay, severely. The cloudless blue sky makes the perfect backdrop for the ceremony. White chairs with pale pink bows wrapped around each chair make up two sections of horizontal rows, gracing each side of the aisle facing the altar.
As I walk toward my destination, the look on Max’s face radiates pure joy. I love Max, and I really love him for Jenny. He stands six foot four and stocky, works out daily, and works in real estate.
I give Max an encouraging smile as my eyes drift to the bright blue-eyed man beside him. Jase’s lips turn up into a sexy smirk, probably when he saw that that my face had turned either pale or bright red. I can’t quite gauge if I feel embarrassed or shocked at my reaction to him.
God, he’s gorgeous. Jenny has chosen a more casual style for the guy’s wardrobe. They are wearing tan pants, a matching vest, and white shirts with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows. All four groomsmen are handsome in their own right, but Jase looked like he should be on the cover of a magazine.
He doesn’t take his eyes or knowing smirk off of me. I become more nervous with every step. Finally, I reach my destination, turn to face the aisle, and try concentrating on the beautiful bride walking down the aisle.
The ceremony went perfectly and Max dipped Jenny dramatically in a kiss when they were pronounced husband and wife. A very long kiss. I think I heard my father clear his throat. After the newlyweds retreated down the aisle, my turn with Jase came.
Jase stands at my side offering his elbow. I nervously keep my eyes focused on Jenny and Max instead of looking at Jase. When we reach the end, he leans over and I feel his warm lips on my cheek.
He whispers, “Thanks for walking me down the aisle.” I can’t catch my breath. Before I figure out what the hell happened to my lungs, he disappears.
I don’t know where he went, because I’m stuck in this trance. A Jase-induced trance caused by the scorching heat coming from where his lips had touched me.
bsp; Abby breaks into my thoughts. “I saw that, Nora! Would you quit standing there like a teenage moron and help me with bitchy Bridezilla?”
Chapter Five
The pictures are finished and we have been positioned every way possible, but a huge vacancy cannot be ignored, Jase.
I find Jenny as she pries herself away from Max. “Aren’t you concerned that the best man isn’t in any of the pictures? Did he have some kind of emergency?”
She laughs, waving her hand like I am ridiculous for asking. “Oh, he’ll be back sometime. We’ll get pictures eventually and we can just Photoshop him in.”
“What? That is the stupidest thing I ever heard of. He’s the best man. He can’t just leave! Max is his cousin.” I don’t know why I care so much. They aren’t my pictures, and she doesn’t seem to care, but at this moment I am furious with Jase Madsyn.
Why would he accept the invitation of best man if he wouldn’t even stay for the whole damn thing? I didn’t know much about him, but there were a few rumors flying around about his family. Mostly about his father being involved in organized crime. Jenny and Max both thought the rumors were ridiculous and dispelled them when anybody brought it up.
I only knew two things about him for sure: rich and extremely attractive.
The ceremony took place in the backyard of Max’s uncle’s property, but a few feet away stood a beautiful tan brick building that had been especially built for their wedding. Jenny told me that he didn’t want too many tents on his property and that after the wedding he would use it as a guest house.
The building looks more like a small hotel than a guest house. The two-story guest house made from light brown bricks is lit up like Christmas. I stand in awe, taking in the beautiful white lights that adorn the windows and wrap-around porch.
The large steps, outlined with lit candles, lead to the large main room, which I would call a hotel banquet room. Gregory did a wonderful job fulfilling Jenny’s vision of a colorful display of her favorite colors…all in vibrant shades of light pink, lavender, and yellowish-green.
Beautiful centerpieces of silver-dusted tree branches fill the tables. Each table has extravagant candles placed seemingly sporadically, although I know better that there is a method to Gregory’s madness.
The cake is raised up at least ten tiers high and doused in crystals and pearls. Round tables are strategically placed around the dance floor, with the couple’s initials painted in black on the wooden dance floor.
The night progressed and all the usual wedding festivities had taken place, first dance, dinner, cutting of the cake. But when it came time for the best man toast, Jase still couldn’t be found.
I became obsessed with trying to find him, scanning the large room every few minutes for him, getting sidetracked from my wedding duties. I felt, as Maid of Honor, I owed it to my Bride to make sure everything went perfectly; Jase not being there hampered my efforts.
I began straightening the gift table when a familiar voice commanded my attention.
“Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I know I’ve been missing and am supposed to give the Best Man speech, but something came up.” Jase shifts the microphone to his other hand. Mumbling comes from around the room.
He shakes his head, agreeing that he had done wrong. Jase gestures for everyone to quiet down. “I can tell by your response that you’re all wondering what could be more important than celebrating Jenny and Max today.”
I roll my eyes. I’m still not sure what to think of him.
Gorgeous? Yes. Full of himself? Yes. Intrigued? Very.
“So, I have a little confession to make. I have a surprise or two for them. I had some problems making it work, but finally it all fell into place. My apologies for my absence.”
At his request, the lights dim. I notice several things happening at once. A spotlight shines on the stage, which holds the beautiful and famous singer, Sienna Smithton.
I am still in awe, as a large screen rises from behind her with an image of what looked like a large beach house. Triple the size of one of my parents’ houses.
His voice echoes through the silent room. “As I was saying, a surprise. Jenny, as long as I have known you, music has been your life. So, when I found out Sienna was your favorite singer, let’s just say…she owed me a favor.” He winks at her and she returns a conspiratorial smile.
I roll my eyes again. Really? Like the whole room isn’t thinking of exactly the kind of favor she owed him. I start to get irritated even more than I already am. How could he just show up at the end of Max’s big day and think he can use the excuse of a stupid singer owing him a favor?
He continues, while I fume. “She has graciously agreed to sing for you tonight, Jenny.”
I can’t help but see the joy on Jenny’s face and the air kisses she blows at Jase. Max has a huge smile on his face, holding his blushing bride closely to his side.
“I have another surprise, but this one is from Uncle Joe and me. The handsome young man is off to my right.” He gestures to an older man in a black tux with white hair and a grey mustache, standing with a cane.
A playful smile adorns his face. He blows kisses back to Jenny.
“Uncle Joe and I wanted you to have a place to escape to and call your own.” He laughs to himself and continues, “I know you can never escape your problems, but how about a vacation home where you can go and relax anytime you want?”
Jenny screams, hits Max on the chest, and yells, “Did you know about this?”
I laugh, Max puts his hands up in self-defense, and shakes his head no.
Jase speaks up, “I swear, Jenny, he had no idea. Please accept out gift of a beach house in Jamaica.”
Surveying the room, I find everyone clapping, smiling, and genuinely excited for the lucky couple. I genuinely am happy for my sister and Max, but I can’t help wondering if it was a genuine gift…or did Jase like all the attention?
My tiny purse vibrates in my hand. So, in the middle of the chaos, I find Luke’s latest text.
I need to see you, NOW!
He will not ruin my night. I shut off my phone and throw it back in my bag.
I turn back to the gift table and I feel someone come up beside me.
“Can I place this package here?” Jase smirks at me. God, that smirk gets me every time. His lips curl in a sexy way that I have never seen.
Looking down quickly, I answer. “Oh…yeah, sure,” and repeat in my mind, “Keep it together,” over and over.
Jase leans over and quietly says, “Do you think they were surprised?” My heart rate picks up from the warmth of his breath close to my ear.
“Are you kidding me? That was incredible.” I try to hide the wonder in my voice at this beautiful man, but fail miserably. “I’ve never known anyone to give such an extravagant gift. That was an incredible gesture. You must really care for Max.”
He looks down and a shy smile creeps on his face. Oh, wow. He was human, after all.
“Yeah, we have been through some rough times together, and I just wanted to give him somewhere special that he could find peace with Jenny. She’s been so good to him and…” He shakes his head, “Wow, listen to me, practically turning into a girl in front of your eyes.”
“Do you need help with anything?” he asks.
I feel mesmerized in this moment. My eyes wander to his hair, his dark thick hair. His tie dangles casually around his neck, setting off something inside me. A few of his shirt buttons have popped open, showing a smattering of hair. I had no idea he could get any sexier than he looked earlier, but I was wrong. I must be gawking, because I feel his arm touch mine.
“Are you alright, did I lose you?”
Oh, shit. He caught me.
“Um…no sorry. I was thinking of what’s left to do. I really don’t think there is much left to do, unless you have another surprise up your sleeve that you need help with.”
His lip turns up in that damn sexy smile. I start getting hot; I can feel my face fl
aming. I need to get away from him. He is a jerk; he practically missed his cousin’s entire wedding for a surprise where he looked like a freakin’ hero.
I fidget with my wine glass, thinking of an escape. Again, he touches my shoulder, which automatically warms. “Would you like to dance? I love Frank Sinatra.”
Jase holds out his hand for me to take, and without a second thought, I take it. I couldn’t resist the hopeful look in his eyes. So much for my escape.
“Umm…I’m not that good of a dancer. I might step on your feet.”
What have I done? I can’t dance, at all. Especially not to Frank Sinatra. Other couples are gliding across the floor, while I stand there staring with a dumb look on my face.
“So, how about I show you then? Come on, it will be fun.” He nods towards the other couples.
I nod back, because any attempt to speak would not work.
Jase winks in encouragement. He removes the wine glass from my hand and places it on a nearby table.
He gently wraps his hand around my waist and his other hand still holds mine, but lifts them. We start to move. I have no idea what to do, but Jase makes it so easy to follow him. Gracefully, we glide across the dance floor.
The heat that had radiated my body from his touch has now turned into joy. I feel at ease in his arms. I can’t help the large smile on my face. He makes me feel alive in this moment. His smile is just as infectious.
The song changes into a slower melody that I don’t recognize.
“So, am I taking you away from a date this evening?” he asks.
“No, no date. I’m sort of on a break from the males of the species.”
He laughs loudly, “Well, whoever this asshole is that made you hate the males of the species, I’m personally kicking his ass for messing up a chance with you.”